582 W. Main
Street; Lexington, KY 40507
Pastor Victor G. Sholar
To present every person perfect (mature) in Christ. Col. 1:28
2025 Theme: “A Way Out of No Way” Exodus 14:14
Sunday, January 19, 2025 11:00 A.M.
Musical Prelude
Call to Worship
We have come as the body of Christ to do Holy business for our King. We have come in troubled times, but we have high spirits. We know the Eternal One is still on the throne. Saints, lift up holy hands, lift high your voices and praise the Sovereign One. Mighty is our God, holy are His judgments, and He is altogether lovely. Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him!
Hymn “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (printed)
Responsive Reading (printed)
Grace Offerings Ushers
Recognition of Visitors/Observations Pulpit
Prayer Pulpit
Music Ministry MSBC Music Ministry
SERMON Elder Wayne Cornelius
Subtitle: “God’s Sovereign Adoption Plan”
Sermon Text : Galatians 4:4-7
- I. The Action for the Adoption
- a. The Period of the Action .... vs 4a
- b. The Person of the Action.... vs 4b
- c. The Process of the Action .. vs 5a
- d. The Product of the Action .. vs 5b
The Period to Receive Those Whom The Lord Will Send
Responsive Reading for the Month of January 2025:
Catechism – a set form of questions and answers to teach the tenets of the Christian Faith:
Question: What is our only hope in life and death?
Answer: That we are not our own but belong, body and soul, both in life and death, to God and to our Savior Jesus Christ.
Question: Who is God?
Answer: God is the creator and sustainer of everyone and everything. He is eternal, infinite, and unchangeable in His power and perfection, goodness and glory, wisdom, justice, and truth. Nothing happens except through Him and by His will.
Question: How many persons are there in God?
Answer: There are three persons in the One true and living God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
Elder Thomas provides below his phone number and email address for persons who may wish to reach out to him (with introductions, questions, suggestions, concerns, etc.).
Elder Isaiah Thomas
(202) 359-5962
MLKing Community Observance
Disciples for the Dream present the 35th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Worship Service on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025 at 6pm. Central Christian Church (205 E. Short Street) will again host this service. For many years, Bro. Marion Rogers served as the Coordinator of the MLKing Community Choir that rendered song service for this event. (Bro. Rogers stepped down as the coordinator last year.) All are welcome to attend. Further information notes that Bro. Marion Rogers (recent MLKing Community Choir Coordinator) shall be honored for his years of service, with a reception to follow the benediction. May God continue to bless Bro. Rogers in his labor—honoring Christ Jesus our LORD. Again, all are welcome to attend.
Sweet Hour of Prayer”—Prayer Meeting
Again, all are encouraged to meet this Tuesday for a special time of prayer for our church body. Pastor Sholar has asked that we continue to gather at 12noon at the Chapel and assemble for one hour, uniting in prayer before the LORD. We are blessed to know--and are assured--God hears and answers prayer—we want to be faithful to continue in prayer. Please plan to attend.
BIBLE STUDY—– In-Person & Zoom Meetings
Please be mindful, Bible Study will now be held each Tuesday at 7pm both in-person at the Chapel and via Zoom. Please join us.
Note: If arena events are held or if inclement weather presents a concern, please be mindful of any Pastoral or social media announcements given regarding possible time changes.
Mass Choir rehearsals will be held each Wednesday at 7pm in the Chapel. (If events require this schedule to be adjusted, notice will be given.) As always, thanks for your cooperation. Bro. M. Rogers
THE 180 GROUP will be meeting on Friday, February 14th, at 6:30pm (at 2308 Barnwell Lane, Moore Home). All members and those who wish to be a part of this young adult group are welcome to attend. For any question, please contact Les Moore (859-396-8359) or Corey Edmond.
Leah Edmond
Atlanta Vibe Pro Volleyball Team
On a recent Sunday, Leah Edmond came forward for prayer, being scheduled to travel to Atlanta for her second season as a member of the Atlanta Vibe Professional Volleyball team. Prayers are still requested as she has now begun her 2025 season.
Her schedule may be found by using the link below. Also—if you would like a schedule, copies are available for pickup in our church vestibule or in the church office.
May God ever overshadow her with His hand of blessings.
Health Ministry: Schedule--2025
1st Sundays -- Cassandra Dunford/Tonja Cummings
2nd Sundays -- Brandy Jeffries/ Charmaine Simpson
3rd Sundays -- Bernita Taylor/Ashley Neal
4th Sundays -- Vanessa Connor/ Nanette Jackson
5th Sundays --
March 30th -Cassandra Dunford/Tonja Cummins
June 29th - Brandy Jeffries/Charmine Simpson
Aug 31st - Vanessa Connor/Nanette Jackson
Nov. 30th - Bernita Taylor/Ashley Neal
All persons who have had changes in your name and or mailing address are asked to please forward this information to the church office. This will aid in our end-of-year mailings. Thank you for your prompt response.
Church offering envelopes are now available for members—and located in the church vestibule (or church office)—feel free to pick up any box (regardless of the number on the box). As many persons are giving through online access, new and dated envelopes were not ordered for 2025.
Persons using offering envelopes are asked to simply provide your name, amount, and date of your contribution (same as before). Also, persons who do give online may use provided envelopes at any time (you are not limited to give only online); your contributions shall be recorded.
Please be reminded—placing a check alone in an offering tray does not provide the office with needed information for record keeping of your offering—the envelope info does.
If you have any questions, please call the church office. Thank you.
2025 Theme: “A Way Out of No Way” Exodus 14:14
Pastor Sholar will be teaching from the book “Fundamentals of the Faith” (with book introduction by John MacArthur) for Tuesday night Bible Study. This book presents “13 lessons to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.” All are encouraged to have a personal copy as this is a workbook.
Books have been ordered in bulk and may be purchased for $5. All who wish to get one may stop by the church office.
Main Street Baptist Church Manor Apartments, Inc.
428 Darby Creek Road
Lexington, KY 40509
Main Street Baptist Church Manor is a privately owned HUD subsidized retirement community for persons 62 years of age or older. The complex is located off Man O’ War on Darby Creek Road. Rent is based on 30% of your annual gross income minus medical expenses. Water and sewer are paid for by the property and residents are responsible for their electricity, telephone and cable. Main Street Baptist Church is the owner of the property, and it is professionally managed by Kirkpatrick Management Center.
If you need more information, contact Elder Mark Anthony at 859-263-5153 or come to 428 Darby Creek Road, Lexington, Kentucky 40509.