Church bulletin


         582 W. Main Street; Lexington, KY  40507


                        Pastor Victor G. Sholar                             

To present every person perfect (mature) in Christ. Col. 1:28    

   2024 Theme:  “He Is The Great I AM”  Exodus 3:14     

              Sunday, Dec 8, 2024       11:00 A.M.

Musical Prelude  


Call to Worship                             

We have come as the body of Christ to do Holy business for our King. We have come in troubled times, but we have high spirits.  We know the  Eternal One is still on the throne.  Saints, lift up holy hands, lift high your voices and praise the Sovereign One.  Mighty is our God, holy are His judgments, and He is altogether lovely.  Praise Him!  Praise Him!  Praise Him!    


Hymn                       “The First Noel”             #265


Responsive Reading  (printed)




Grace Offerings                                                        Ushers



Recognition of Visitors/Observations                     Pulpit


Prayer                                                                        Pulpit


Music Ministry                                          MSBC Music Ministry


SERMON                                                       Pastor Victor G. Sholar


The Period to Receive Those Whom The Lord Will Send







Elder Thomas provides below his phone number and email address for persons who may wish to reach out to him (with introductions, questions, suggestions, concerns, etc.). 

                        Elder Isaiah Thomas

                        (202) 359-5962


Sweet Hour of Prayer”—Prayer Meeting

Again, all are encouraged to meet this Tuesday for a special time of prayer for our church body.   Pastor Sholar has asked that we continue to gather at 12noon (presently at the Chapel) and assemble for one hour, uniting in prayer before the LORD.  We are blessed to know--and are assured--God hears and answers prayer—we want to be faithful to continue in prayer.   Please plan to attend.



                          Cancelled this week

Mass Choir rehearsal will be cancelled this week (Rupp Arena event being held).  As events require this schedule to be adjusted, notice will be given.  As always, thanks for your cooperation.                                                                                                        Bro. M. Rogers



All persons who have had changes in your name and or mailing address are asked to please forward this information to the church office.  This will aid in our end-of-year mailings.  Thank you for your prompt response.



Health Ministry:  Schedule--2024

1st Sundays -- Cassandra Dunford/Tonja Cummings

2nd Sundays -- Brandy Jeffries/ Charmaine Simpson

3rd Sundays  -- Bernita Taylor/Ashley Neal

4th Sundays -- Vanessa Connor/ Nanette Jackson

5th Sundays --  Dec. 29     Vanessa Connor/Nanette Jackson





Tuesday, Dec. 10        12noon – “Sweet Hour of Prayer”  (Chapel)

                                    7:00pm --Bible Study – (Chapel & Zoom)


Thurs., Dec. 12          7:00pm – Stewardship Meeting (Chapel)


Friday, Dec. 13          6:30pm—180 Holiday Fellowship (see info)


Sat., Dec. 14               Christmas Outing Fellowship (info in bulletin)

Sunday, Dec. 15          9:30am Sunday School

                                    11:00am Worship Service


Monday, Dec. 16       4:00pm-- “Our Friends in Need” Fellowship

                                                    (info in bulletin)


Tuesday, Dec. 17        12noon – “Sweet Hour of Prayer”  (Chapel)

                                    7:00pm --Bible Study – Cancelled

Friday, Dec. 20          6:30pm—Student Ministry Fellowship

      (see bulletin for info)

Sunday, Dec. 22          9:30am Sunday School

                                    11:00am Worship Service


Wed., Dec. 25             10:00am–Christmas Day Worship (Chapel)

Sunday, Dec. 29          9:30am Sunday School

                                    11:00am Worship Service


Tuesday, Dec. 31       6:00pm--New Year’s Eve Worship (Chapel)


New Year's Eve Watch Service

Our New Year's Eve “Prayer Watch Service” will be held Tuesday, Dec. 31, at 6pm in the Chapel.  We shall end the year with prayer and look forward to the New Year with prayer. Our text for this service is:    Matthew 26:40, 41

“And He came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and He said to Peter, So you men could not keep watch with Me for one hour?  Keep watching and praying, so that you do not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Please plan to be present for this special time of prayer.



Our end-of-year Stewardship meeting will be held Thursday, Dec. 12, at 7pm in the Chapel.  All members are encouraged to attend as a review of events/blessings God brought forth for Main Street Church during 2024.  Pastoral projections for 2025 shall be given by Pastor Sholar, memorials, parking lot construction overview, a proposed budget for 2025 given, and other concerns addressed.

Please plan to be present.  With hearts of thanks and praise to God, join us for this Stewardship meeting.


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THE 180 GROUP will gather for a Holiday Fellowship Dinner   on Friday Dec. 13th, at 6:30pm (at 2308 Barnwell Lane, Moore Home).  All members and those who wish to be a part of this young adult group are welcome to attend.   For any question, please contact Dec. Les Moore (859-396-8359) or Dec. Corey Edmond.



“Because of you, there’s someone who is thanking God today,

Someone who appreciates your warm and caring way,

Someone who’s remembering the special things you do

And wishing you His blessings every day the whole year through.”

I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In every thing give thanks:  for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Pastor Sholar, Elder Cornelius, Elder Thomas, and members, the family of Thomas E White III thanks you for all your prayers, love and support during the passing homegoing service of this our brother.   

                        Love to you all and God bless,

                        Karen Johnson and sisters (Luedna, Lillian & Sylvia)

BIBLE STUDY—– In-Person & Zoom Meetings

Please be mindful, Bible Study will now be held each Tuesday at 7pm both in-person at the Chapel and via Zoom.  Please join us.

Note:  If arena events are held, please be mindful of any Pastoral    announcements given regarding possible time changes.

This is the last Tuesday night Bible Study session for the year. 



Church offering envelopes are now available for members—and located in the church vestibule (or church office)—feel free to pick up any box (regardless of the number on the box).  As many persons are giving through online access, new and dated envelopes were not ordered for 2025. 

Persons using offering envelopes are asked to simply provide your name, amount, and date of your contribution (same as before).  Also, persons who do give online may use provided envelopes at any time (you are not limited to give only online); your contributions shall be recorded. 

Please be reminded—placing a check alone in an offering tray does not provide the office with needed information for record keeping of your offering—the envelope info does.

If you have any questions, please call the church office.  Thank you. 



Today is the last day to drop your cards off to be included in our free distribution of Christmas cards. 

Safety procedures will be taken in the handling of received cards as well as the distributions.   

This provided service is appreciated very much!



Members are asked to please continue in giving a holiday love offering of $70 for Christmas (thanks for your offerings given for Thanksgiving).  As God so blesses and provides, please give willingly (whether more or less) as we continue to support the ministries & labor here in the Lord’s House. May the Lord bless each gift given to His glory.



Dec. 8, 2024 -- PRAYER REQUESTS

         Missionaries, Haiti – violence, pending hurricane; recent hurricane & flood victims, political system

         Pastor Sholar – health concerns

         Bro. Langston Love—recent health concerns

         Sis. Vanessa Connor—cataract surgery last Tuesday

         Sis. Denise Frazier’s sister—Wanda Frazier—recent surgery

         Sis. Florene McGhee & family death of sister-in-law in AL:   Margaret McGhee; also sister-in-law Desiree McGhee --serious health concerns

         Sis. Beverly Bowens & family—death of Bro. Paul Bowens;

Services Monday, Dec. 9; First African Baptist Chuch; Visitation – 11am       Funeral 12noon

         From Sis. Charmaine Simpson—prayer for Marlon Berry (Kenlon’s cousin)—serious health concerns

         Sis. Alice Patton—recuperating at home

         Sis. Emma Duvall—home from hospital & rehab

         Sis. Andalee Price’s sister—Thea Lacy—in rehab facility

         Sis. Peggy Arnold—recent surgery

         Sis. Jeralene Greenlee—health concerns

         Sis. Jewell Thompson—still issues with knee pain

         Sis. Cynthia Mefford – recently had a slight stroke

         Sis. Ella James—recent health concerns

         Per Sis. Jean Williams—left knee pain—

         Sis. Vanessa Connor & daughter—Dominic—serious concerns

         Bro. Gary Haley – recuperating

         Sis. Lisa Hunn-Thompson—health concerns

         Bro. Donald Mason—brother and sister health concerns; prayer for son Donnie

         Sis. Doraleatha Rodgers—health concerns

         From Bro. Roberto Carter – health concerns

         Sis. Pat Pruitt—health concerns

         Sis.  Wilma Wright-Davies – at home recuperating

         Sis. Kendra Lynem – serious health concerns

         Dr. Donald Lyon’s wife—Myra Lyons—health concerns

         All members that have experienced recent family deaths        

         All members or their family that have been recently ill/had surgeries or hospitalized –

         Persons on sick & shut-in list, Widows/Widowers & Caregivers

         Children, Teachers & Staff – college students

Christmas Outing

LaComedia Dinner Theatre

“Holiday Inn”

Sat., Dec. 14, 2024

Charter Bus Transportation

Buffet Meal/Show/Dessert 


Thanks to all who signed up and paid to attend the above event.  Your timely responses allowed us to secure transportation and seating at the venue.  Now we look forward to this time of Christmas fun and fellowship!


Please be mindful of the info below:

            Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024   

            Bus arrival/loading:   8:00am   Church parking lot

                        (Please park in front of the Chapel as a game will

                       be held in Rupp Arena later in the day—carpooling is


            Departure for travel to Springfield, OH


            Loading of bus for travel back to Lexington, KY

            Tentative arrival time back in Lexington—6:00pm


Responsive Reading for the Month of

December,  2024:

Catechism – a set form of questions and answers to teach the tenets of the Christian Faith:

Question: What do justification and sanctification mean?

Answer: Justification means our declared righteousness before God, made possible by Christ’s death and resurrection for us. Sanctification means our gradual, growing righteousness, made possible by the Spirit’s work in us, in obedience to the Word.


Question: Should those who have faith in Christ seek their salvation through their own works, or anywhere else?

Answer: No, they should not, as everything necessary to salvation is found in Christ. To seek salvation through good works is a denial that Christ is the only Redeemer and Savior.


Question: Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we still do good works and obey God’s Word?

Answer: Yes, so that our lives may show love and gratitude to God and so that by our godly behavior others may be won to Christ.


Question: Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through faith alone, where does this faith come from?

Answer: All the gifts we receive from Christ we receive through the Holy Spirit, including faith itself.


           CHURCH THEME – 2024

    “He is The Great I AM”   Ex. 3:14


“And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel:

 ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”


Pastor Sholar will be teaching from the book “Fundamentals of the Faith” (with book introduction by John MacArthur) for Tuesday night Bible Study.  This book presents “13 lessons to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.”  All are encouraged to have a personal copy as this is a workbook.

Books have been ordered in bulk and may be purchased for $5.  All who wish to get one may stop by the church office. 


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