We, the Pastor and Elders of the Main Street Baptist Church, believe that marriage is a God ordained covenant relationship between a man and woman, which is meant to reflect the mystery of the glorious union between Jesus Christ and His church ( Eph 5:31-32). It is therefore our endeavor to provide guidelines to ensure that the wedding procedures at Main Street Baptist Church reflect the level of sanctity and orderliness pleasing to the God who created this blessed institution. Underneath that premise, the following statements apply:
- The ministers of Main Street will encourage members of other church congregations to get married under the watchful care of their pastor. We will not assume responsibility for individuals who are under the leadership of another pastor.
- Those who wish to get married at Main Street must notify the church office at least six (6) months to a year in order to confirm whether the wedding date is available.
- No minister of Main Street will marry a couple whose current lifestyles are in violation of Holy Scripture. (1 Thess. 4:3-7; 1 Cor. 6:12-20)
- No minister of Main Street will marry a couple if it is discovered that one is an unbeliever (2 Cor. 6:14-18).
- No other minister besides the ministers of Main Street may conduct a wedding ceremony on church premises unless agreed upon by the pastor months in advance. In such cases, counseling concerns shall be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
- Couples must agree to at least 6-8 sessions of pre-marital counseling by the MSBC minister with the understanding that the wedding date must be considered tentative upon the successful completion of counseling sessions.
- A minister of Main Street has the right to discontinue pre-marital counseling or cancel a wedding ceremony if there are legitimate grounds that a couple is unfit to be married in the eyes of God.
- All members of Main Street must pay a fee ($100) for janitorial services concerning events/activities associated with the wedding.
- All couples are to consult the Minister of Music well in advance of the ceremony with a suggested list of music to be performed vocally and instrumentally to ascertain if the music is biblically appropriate in glorifying God. The couple will have the financial responsibility of selecting the instrumentalist(s) and vocalist(s) for the rehearsal/ceremony; and, as these persons do not have to be staff people, they do have to be submitted for the Minister of Music’s awareness/approval. Music should be presented to the instrumentalist(s) and vocalist(s) far enough in advance that adequate preparation may be made.
- Additionally, the attire for those participating in the wedding must be modest and of good taste, as this ceremony is to take place in the House of the Lord. Often what is acceptable in our worldly culture in not appropriately reverent for the event of holy matrimony. To this end, we seek to honor the Name of Christ Jesus.
- If the couple would like to use the kitchen/fellowship hall area please advise once the scheduled date has been confirmed and someone will contact them with instructions on use of the facility, proper functionality and clean-up.
- All couples who wish to utilize the fellowship hall (either at the Main House or Chapel) are not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages, play inappropriate music, or engage in immodest and sexually suggestive dance.
- There should also be coordination with the Broadcast Ministry of the Main Street Baptist Church for proper use of the sound system. Additionally, any video-taping requests must be made 30 days in advance with a cost of $250.